Strive for Knowledge...

Class Ten

S.N. Subject Name Class
1 Interactive School Science & Environment Book-10 class-ten
2 Social Studies Book-10 class-ten
3 Leading Mathmatics Book-10 class-ten
4 Health Population and Environment Education Book-10 class-ten
5 Ablaze Grammar, Compositions & Comprehension Book-10 class-ten
6 Optional Mathematics Book-10 class-ten
7 Gateway to Computer Science Book-10 class-ten
8 छरितो नेपाली व्याकरण र अभिव्य Book-10 class-ten
9 High School Essays, Letters and Composition class-ten
10 छरितो नेपाली निवन्ध र चिठी लेखन (माध्यामिक तह) class-ten
11 Interactive School Science & Environment Book-10 class-ten
12 Social Studies Book-10 class-ten
13 Leading Mathmatics Book-10 class-ten
14 Health Population and Environment Education Book-10 class-ten
15 Ablaze Grammar, Compositions & Comprehension Book-10 class-ten
16 Optional Mathematics Book-10 class-ten
17 Gateway to Computer Science Book-10 class-ten
18 छरितो नेपाली व्याकरण र अभिव्य Book-10 class-ten
19 High School Essays, Letters and Composition class-ten
20 छरितो नेपाली निवन्ध र चिठी लेखन (माध्यामिक तह) class-ten